Greyton, a picturesque Overberg village an hour and a bit’s drive from Cape Town, sweated in 42deg heat on Human Rights Day but that didn’t stop the incredibly dedicated EberVet Community Veterinary Care team from sterilising more than 60 cats and dogs from impoverished homes.
The team started early with the first animals being brought in for their pre-anaesthetic injections at 7am and by 10am, 35 dogs and 10 cats had already been spayed or castrated.
Greyton Animal Welfare Society (GAWS) hosted the spayathon which was held in a local community hall. GAWS teams were out early collecting animals and taking them home after their surgery while the EberVet team held the fort on the clinical side, with three vets – Dr Esmare van der Walt of EberVet Pet Clinic, Dr Marais Cilliers, Dr Hilldidge Beer and a host of EberVet volunteers.
Sterilisation projects in impoverished areas is one of our primary objectives as sterilisation not only curbs unwanted animal numbers, it also promotes a healthier animal population.
Our grateful thanks to GAWS for their huge contribution to this spayathon’s success.