old age

Grieving over a pet? We’re here to help

Grieving over a pet? We’re here to help

Grieving is something every one of us will experience in our lifetime, whether through the loss of a family member, friend or pet. Yet many of us are surprised by the depth of our grief when a pet dies. We knew it was coming (we generally outlive our pets) but now...

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Behaviour changes in senior dogs

Behaviour changes in senior dogs

Behaviour changes in senior dogs are usually as a result of age-related diseases. These diseases include arthritis, dental disease, cancer, diabetes, and other endocrine diseases. Additionally, dogs can develop canine cognitive dysfunction, a syndrome that is similar...

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Cognitive dysfunction in cats

Cognitive dysfunction is cats occurs in up to 28 percent of cats between the ages of 11 and 15, and 50 percent of cats over the age of 15, studies show, although it is not as common as in dogs. The exact causes of declining mental function in older cats cannot always...

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