
Plants that are poisonous to pets

Plants that are poisonous to pets

Plants that we grow in our garden can be deadly to our pets but when we buy them, there's no warning tag so we asked Dr Nico du Preez of EberVet Country Animal Clinic to identify the most dangerous and to tell us what to do if our pets should eat them. Listen to his...

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Snail bait poisoning in dogs

Snail bait poisoning (Metaldehyde poisoning) in dogs can lead to respiratory failure and death if not treated urgently. For most of us Spring brings pure joy; warmer weather and new growth everywhere. But, as buds and bulbs spring into action, so do snails and slugs...

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7 common pet poisons to watch out for

Poison is not necessarily labelled 'danger' or marked with an 'x'. In fact, many of the poisons that are most dangerous to pets are common household items like human medication and plants. If your pet starts drooling, frothing, convulsing, vomiting, crying, has...

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